Eldee, Dr Frabz, shank in Dr. Frabz's follow me video |

Read tweets below...
One cannot deny that clashes between celebrities never fail to keep us entertained.
Apparently, Dr. Frabz owed Shank, and shank decided to mess him up on twitter as he sent several tweets at Dr. Frabz telling him to pay up his debt. Dr. Frabz failed to respond to Shank's tweet. And
Davido (not minding his business) stepped into trying to mock Dr. Frabz. Then Frabz warned lil Davido to back off.
"If u owe me money pay up... I will not
hesitate to have u arrested. U know urself" shank tweeted 16 days ago
"U owe me money means ur my b•!*h
till I say otherwise :D" Shank tweeted 2 weeks ago
"@doktafrabz pay what u owe...." Shank tweeted yesterday
Lmao "@SHANKsayDat: @doktafrabz
give me my money big man..." Davido replied Shank's tweet
"David u r advised 2 stay out of d matter 4 ur own sake*RT @iam_Davido: Lmao "@SHANKsayDat: @doktafrabz give me my money big man..." Dr. Frabz replied Davido
"@doktafrabz :s meanin?" Davido replied Dr. Frabz
"Dis boiz r being childish!at d end na
their own hand go fall.....only a fool wud act like dat,plz grow up!" Dr. Frabz tweeted
"Act matured*RT @iam_Davido: @doktafrabz :s meanin?" Dr. Frabz replied Davido
"Cooling b no mind that clown jare RT
@iam_Davido: @SHANKsayDat haha hw fa dude" Shank and Davido tweet at each other
" @SHANKsayDat owin money aint cool" Davido tweets
iam_Davido "@iamSOMTO: LMAO!!! Why attack Davido though? If you owe someone try pay. Simple!" Davido retweets
Updated: Dr. Frabz has fired back at Shank, in a long twitter rant today
Here's a series of his tweets:
"As 4 yesterday's matter, I owe nobody! some1 is just being ungrateful 4 wateva little effort I av done 4 him. He shoud be d 1 owing me,but I never asked 4 a dime despite all I did.so plz ask him wot I'm owing him 4 if u r bothered! shikena!" "And plz do not conclude anytin dat u don't know about,ask questions first,as every1 is wit different characters.some can be childish,stupid,while others are reasonable and matured.weigh d odds b4 taking sides!"
"I'm not a bad person,ask about me.and if u don't know me,then keep 2 urself,no love lost no love found!"
"Its sad dat it got 2 dis level,so plz understand me 4 responding 2 such allegations!!!I'm sorry if u av decided 2 take it personal.4giv me"
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