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Ramsey Noah:
Ramsey intoxicates, like sweet wine. His sweet-sounding voice, his screen presence, self-confidence, and exceptional acting ability deserve applause. Probably the sexiest guy in Nollywood, Ramsey manages to keep his private life – private, which is a very smart, mature and sexy thing! There’s a mystery about him; after many years on our screen yet not one social flaw. Can someone please shout halleluyah! Sensuously striking with heavenly good looks, Ramsey, like (yes) wine, gets better with age. In his movies, his eyes speak – all of the kindness, joy, ecstasy, thrill, and pain come through, and you just want to grab a pillow and weep for the sheer joy of watching someone so sexy and talented. Ramsey captivates, excites, engages and enchants. Can we please get pin-ups, T-shirts and baseball caps of this beautiful man? Amen!
Jim Iyke:
It’s all in his rugged good looks. The man we all love to hate, Jim oozes raw sex – it either offends or pleases. Right here, we are loving every bit of him! Tehehehehe! Jim is like the rock star with a lot of talent and sexiness. He pairs up nicely with the ladies, and always brings his own to the table in any film he features in. He’s the bad boy, the one who is going to steal your girl (at least, in movies!). He also plays the lover-boy, the I’ll-love-you-till-death-comes-calling, and the notorious playboy characters very well. Jim has ventured into music; rap as a matter of fact. So tell me, what’s more notoriously sexier than that?!

Van Vicker:
He’ll probably be on every woman’s list as a ‘must-have’, after all he’s got all the physical attributes right on check! Oh yes, Van is gifted with good looks. He has been quite prolific, starring in many Nollywood movies, and we see his talent soar. He looks totally cool on screen; and with looks like that anything works!

Yemi Blaq:
There’s something cuddly about Yemi Blaq. He’s got really sexy eyes, a nice accent and this utterly cool presence that just wants to make you sigh in joy. His acting is truly impressive, and interestingly has managed to stay away from shoddy movies. The works he features in are a must-watch, and we see him sizzle in all of them. He looks like the guy who’d jump the Atlantic Ocean all for the sake of love; the one who’d climb mountain Gibraltar to save a love, and that is such a sexy, cool thing!

Chidi Mokeme:

Now basking in success out of screen, we remember Chidi as one of the sexy hunks who used to thrill us in not too far a time. Chidi is good-looking, smart and socially correct! He is a ‘divo’ on the red-carpet and sheer joy to watch whilst he anchored the Ultimate Search Reality show some years back. Do you recall the all-so sexy muscles?


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