Dad: Former Nigerian President Olesegun Obasanjo
Age: 42
Bad behavior: Her father may be notorious for political corruption, but daughter Iyabo started out promisingly enough, earning graduate degrees in epidemiology from UC-Davis, Cornell, and Wake Forest and publishing a number of papers in U.S. medical journals.
Bad behavior: Her father may be notorious for political corruption, but daughter Iyabo started out promisingly enough, earning graduate degrees in epidemiology from UC-Davis, Cornell, and Wake Forest and publishing a number of papers in U.S. medical journals.
She seemed headed for a distinguished career in medical research until she returned to Nigeria in 2004, fleeing her estranged husband with their U.S.-born son.
The father has filed kidnapping charges against her in a U.S. court, which are still pending. Obasanjo also reportedly owes her ex-husband $35,000 in unpaid child support and is on an Interpol watch list.After coming home, she decided to go into the family business: abuse of power and graft. After serving as health commissioner in her father’s government, Obasanjo was elected to the Nigerian Senate in 2006, where she proceeded to take full advantage of the office. In 2006, Obasanjo reportedly accepted thousands of dollars in bribes, including a Toyota Land Cruiser, from an Austrian company in exchange for using her connections to help it bid on energy contracts with her father’s government. She is also accused of withdrawing $85,000 from Nigeria’s meager health budget for personal use. Obasanjo has described the accusations as “blackmail.”