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Prostitutes All Die Mysterously At A Popular Hotel

Six people were reportedly found dead and two others unconscious earlier at 50-50 Hotel, located on Uyo street in Umuahia, Abia State. The report according to Abia Facts Newspaper:

The hotel is a brothel and the girls living there have had experience of mysterious slaps some weeks back that left one person unconscious. This incident of strange slaps made all the occupant of the brothel to leave, only for the owner to recruit new ladies from other cities.

Unfortunately, 3 ladies and their customers are today not alive to tell the story of what happened or what "slapped" them over night that left them dead.

All the six dead bodies have been deposited at the morgue as at press time and the two unconscious body taken to the hospital. The Nigerian Police has cordoned off the hotel, as crowd builds up around the environment to catch a glimpse of what happened.

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